RVing and the COVID-19 Virus: Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?

I know that you all have probably thought that I have dropped off the end of the earth. It has been a long time since I posted anything. I am sorry about that.

This post will probably NOT be the most interesting post I’ve ever written. Therefore, I feel the need to occasionally post some “fun” photos for your viewing pleasure. πŸ˜‰

Ricky and Lucy are always playing.

When October 1st came around, we left our good friends, Darrell and Malia, in Wisconsin and headed back to Missouri. We spent about seven weeks in Missouri visiting family.

When the time came, many of the “guys” in the family met at the farm in Thayer for deer season. The wives had some much needed “down” time; well, at least I did! When you live in an RV, time alone is a rare, precious commodity. While in Missouri, we enjoyed time with our parents sharing meals, watching TV, and playing cards, of course!

This is the new, homemade deer stand. It is huge!

Look how BIG it is.

This is our grandson, Jackson, enjoying the deer stand’s protection from the cold wind.

While in the STL area, Ricky and Lucy were old enough to have their surgeries so there would be NO puppies. Of course, they had to wear the “cone of shame.” They actually did pretty good adjusting to the cones while still chasing each other around my dad’s house.

Around mid-November we headed south to Foley, Alabama (warmer weather). We chose Foley so we wouldn’t be too far away to return to see family for Christmas. Foley is about 10 miles from Gulf Shores, AL, and the shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico. We’ve been in this area several times before, so we really didn’t need to “go exploring.” We walked along the beach numerous times and had a relaxing time.

This COVID-19 virus thing has really changed the way people do their RV/camping now days. Everyone is cautious and stays at least six feet away. Five o’clock Happy Hour is not so happy anymore. Most places have indefinitely suspended planned, group activities. People are still very friendly, but it’s just NOT like it used to be.

I was beginning to think COVID had gotten the best of us all. However, with the first vaccines being given recently to healthcare workers, I think we can reach “herd immunity” sooner than later! There just might be light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

I am happy to report that Jack and I have avoided this virus, and we hope and pray we can continue to do so. For the most part, all our family, on both sides, have been fortunate to avoid it. I’m sad to say that we’ve had friends who have gotten it. Some had SEVERE symptoms and will have a lengthy recovery time; others have not been so fortunate and have passed away. 😒 We have been greatly saddened by each call we have received informing us of COVID infections and deaths. May God help us all to stay healthy and get rid of this virus! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

We did make a “shortened” trip for Christmas Day. We went to Edmond, OK, to see our youngest son, his wife, and our grandkids. Our oldest son decided not to come because he would have to fly to get there. He didn’t want to risk being exposed to COVID on the plane and passing it on to us. Also, we did not make our usual “rounds” in Missouri because we didn’t want to risk exposing OUR 90+ year old parents if we picked up the virus. It was definitely an unusual Christmas. Here are some photos of Christmas Day.

Jade (left) and Kylee (right).

Jackson (in the background) and Mike’s wife, Jennifer (foreground).


Kylee and Finn, their little Maltese.


Our two sons: oldest, Jeff, is on the phone screen and youngest, Mike, is in the foreground.

Our annual family Christmas photo: COVID style!

On January 1st we headed to Florida in order to get further south, visit with some dear friends (after we isolated for the appropriate number of days), and see our oldest son. We will be here until April 1st. Hopefully, we will be doing some visits to outdoor places, so I can blog about them.

So, for now ….. “On the Road Again!”


Family Holidays

We basically spent the month of December (Dec. 6 – Jan. 6) in north Texas. Aubrey to be exact. We wanted to stay closer to Oklahoma and Missouri for our trip to see family for the Christmas holidays.

When we arrived in Aubrey, I knew that I needed some much needed time for myself. We had just spent a little over 9 weeks in the STL area with my dad after my mom passed Aug. 23rd. Then we spent a week in Springfield visiting Jack’s family. Next, we spent a month having fun with Mike, Jenn, and the grandkids in Edmond, OK. Needless to say, I kind of “crashed” when we arrived in Aubrey. I was way more exhausted than I thought, as I slept in most days until 9:30 a.m. or later!

I also needed some time to privately grieve. Jack was patient with my mood swings and my need to just be “lazy” and take care of myself. We still had some Christmas shopping we needed to do, and we even made time to see a movie. When the time came to head out for our Christmas trip, I felt refreshed, invigorated, and ready to go.

First stop was Edmond, OK. Our oldest son, Jeff, drove up from Florida and met us at Mike and family’s house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We went to the Christmas Eve service at Mike’s church. After the service, we took a family photo.

Back row (L-R): Jack, Jackson, Mike, Jeff. Front Row (L-R): Betty, Jade, Kylee, Jennifer.

After church we went back to Mike’s to have our Christmas and open presents. Here are just a few pics.

Finn and Zoey really do like each other and get along great, even though Zoey has this funny look on her face.

The day after Christmas we drove to Springfield (Huffman family) and then on to St. Louis (LaTurno family) to have Christmas with the rest of our families. Here are a few of those pics.

All in all, it was a busy but great Christmas!

We headed back to Aubrey, TX, after the New Year, spent a day or two getting the RV ready to travel, and then headed to our next destination.

So, for now ….. “On the Road Again!”


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