COVID-19 Update

Jack and I have been doing fine. With the COVID-19 “shelter at home” orders, we get a little irritable with each other (we call it the heebee geebees! 🤪) every once in a while and have to “separate.” However, we only have a few ways to separate living full time in an RV. 😝 One of us may go for a long walk ALONE. Sometimes Jack will watch cowboy shows in the main part of the RV, and I will watch Star Trek shows in the bedroom. We love old TV reruns. So far we have avoided the corona virus and all other illnesses. I hope all of you have been staying healthy and are doing fine, also.

The only other thing that has been difficult about sheltering at home because of the corona virus, is the recent loss of our sweet little Shih tzu, Zoey (See the previous post for info about that). Everywhere we look in the RV, we see her and the memories we have. It is getting easier each day, and we will always cherish the time and memories we have made with Zoey as she traveled the USA with us. If you have ever lost a fur baby, this little poem will be meaningful for you, as it was for us.

NOW, if you have been following my blog for some time, you will remember my desire to visit ALL the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites while we traveled. We have visited her birth place in Pepin, Wisconsin; Walnut Grove, Minnesota; Independence, Kansas; Burr Oak, Iowa; DeSmet, South Dakota; Vinson, Iowa; Spring Valley, Minnesota; Keystone, South Dakota; and, Mansfield, Missouri (where she lived while writing her books and where she and Almanzo are buried). I had such fun visiting all these places! (You can go back through my blog posts to read about each of these visits starting in the fall of 2017.)

Anyway, if you read her books or even just watched the television series, Little House on the Prairie, you will probably see the humor in this internet meme that has been going around since we have been confined to our homes.

I hope you got a little chuckle from that meme.

I am praying that you all stay safe and healthy until our lives can get back to normal. And, yes, I do believe we will get back to normal some day!

So for now ….. “On the Road Again!”


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Betty
    May 01, 2020 @ 19:05:14

    I am sorry about your dog. How nice you got to enjoy her so much. I had not thought about visiting all the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites, and I didn’t even realize there were so many. I’ve been to Mansfield (many years ago), but not the others. Thanks for the good idea! Glad you are staying safe.


    • Betty Huffman
      May 01, 2020 @ 19:28:12

      The Mansfield site has changed SOOOO much. If you get a chance you will want to go back. There is a new, gorgeous museum along with a new parking lot and entrance point. The house, of course, is the same. Now, however, you can go see another smaller house that Laura lived in (I forget why and when she lived there). It was very interesting to see that part of their land and house! You can google Laura Ingalls Wilder sites and learn all about them, how they fit in her life, and where they are located. Thanks for the condolences for our dog. She was definitely a special part of our family! Stay safe and healthy!


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